October 2021
Dear friends,
Autumn is here, after a hot and dry summer in Romania. Holiday time is over for almost all of us, but some kept it for later. We all had a good time, spending with friends, siblings and the family.
Now we start to make plans about selling for Christmas. Our work tables are full with fabric and patterns for aprons, tablecloths, bags, fleece, baby clothes and more. Where and how we can sell depends on the pandemic. In Sweden there will be a Christmas selling November 20th in Korskyrkan in Mölndal. In Romania we don’t know yet. In this autumn we had only two days of selling in Oradea and we really missed it, but in our workshop every day someone came to buy or brought an order or things which need to be repaired.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any kind of order. We have a stock in Mölndal in Sweden and it’s possible for items to be picked up or to be sent from there. It will also be possible to book small group sales there. If you have any special request for Christmas gifts we ask you to let us know as soon as possible as it takes time to organise the shipping.
We are thankful for all gifts and orders we received during the summer and autumn, so far. One box is ready to be sent to Norway, with products ready to be sold there by Ruthmor Sanne, a good friend of Sunflower Design. Another order is to make embroidery on 100 caps for Julle Rommedahl, elcykelexperten in Habo, Sweden and in England David and Jeanette start to sell for us again. Thank you also to all who gave support for our different project that we mentioned about in the last newsletter and for the summer gift. Families in Caminul Felix and families who need support in Mölndal, Sweden have received bedding. Your support makes a difference!
Our desire is to keep you informed with our activity in Sunflower. We want to ask if anyone wants to receive the newsletter by e-mail instead of post. This is more safe, more economic, and faster. If you choose this way to be informed please let us know and send your e-mail address to our colleague, Estera. Her e-mail address is : estera.tirtea@yahoo.com

We wish you all a nice Autumn.
Many greetings from the whole team at Sunflower Design