Dear friends and supporters,
With great joy and warmth we write to you again. The warmth comes from the team in Sunflower Design, but also from the summer heat that has now come to Romania. We love it and we enjoy it!
Sometimes we wonder where time goes. Much happens between the letters we write to you.
Here is a report of some of what has happened since last time.
As always, when spring and summer come, we get many visits. They are much appreciated. Some teams that have come to work with Sunflower Design have worked together with our team. Much happy laughter has filled our rooms when our new students have learned to sew, paint, polish etc. Then they have bought things from our shop which has been a really great help to our finances.

We had a visit from a group from Trollhättan in Sweden. From there we have experienced great help and support over the years. Both economically and materially. Now they can see how their gifts were invested in the work.
Then we have had many other groups and private persons who have come in to visit and looked at and bought things in our gift shop. This is important to us and our economy.
Many orders come to us through Facebook, the web and in other ways. Sunflower Design has become a concept for many. Here are products of fine quality and very well made. Our new website is now done, please visit and join us there: We also want to encourage you to be our followers and share on Instagram and Facebook. Please help us to spread our products around the world!
A new project is underway soon. We have been contacted by a Romanian company to sew dresses. Mari will take responsibility and lead this project. It is important for us to establish ourselves in the Romanian market. We know that there is a market for it. We have a few months off-season in our gift shop, and because we need money for salaries and other expenses, we believe that increased involvement in Romania is important.
Miha who has worked with us for many years has now moved into her new apartment, which is close to Sunflower Design and Caminul Felix village 2. It is a small apartment. She has now, with help from people been able to finish it and it looks very nice. It was a great joy and a great day for Miha when she moved in.
Ana who was the first girl to work when we started up Sunflower Design has been away from work for some years. She is now back and works some hours every day. We are happy for that.
This spring we were able to buy two new sewing machines and some equipment for them, all with your help. Thank you!

As we now end our greeting to you by wishing you a really nice and lovely summer together with your families and friends, we would like to offer you the opportunity to give an extra support to a project that is close to our heart. Our team does not have big salaries and they do not go out very often to have some fun. Together with them we would like to do something special one day. Eat pizza, go for a picnic or something like that. We want to give them a nice summer memory. In Sunflower we have no extra resources for this. If you can give a donation for that you can write. `Summer party with Sunflower´.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.
We all wish you, every blessing.