Dear friends,
It is time to send the first newsletter for this year. Spring is on the way and the earliest flowers start to bloom. We are looking forward to brighter times. We had some cold days and as the electricity has been very expensive we decided to work at home some days, to save some money and electricity.
The Christmas selling in Sweden went well even if we didn’t sell in so many places as usual. Still the pandemic affected the ability of so many people to gather. In Oradea it was also hard to sell like we used to because of restrictions. We hope the situation soon will be better and it will be easier to reach out with our products.
We thank you all who support us in different ways such as selling our products, buying from us and spreading information about our ministry to people around you. It means a lot to us.
We are right now a smaller group working in the team as some chose to leave for other opportunities. We plan in the future to employ some more in the team, since we work with just a few girls, and of course our boy, in the team. We really appreciate our workers who are consistent and make an effort to work even if their physical and mental health does not allow them to do too much. Despite her pain, Ana makes a considerable effort to move and use her hands as much as she can. However, she gladly comes and works at her own pace, because she loves Sunflower.
Despite the pandemic situation we have orders in Oradea. Soon we celebrate Mother’s day and some organisations have ordered many towels from Sunflower to give to ladies.
We hope to have visitors this year. We miss meeting our friends from Sweden, England, Norway and US.
As we all know the situation in Ukraine is terrible. Many people have had to leave everything that they had. The first group of women and children from Ukraine arrived March 2nd to Caminul Felix and they received food and accommodation. The next day they continued on to different destinations and a new group with 60 children and women arrived the same evening. The youngest was 1 month old. “Sunflower Design”s team is involved in making bedding for all the beds and also making other things such as baby clothes, or whatever they need.
You are very welcome to support Sunflower Design´s work for our Ukrainian friends. You can support by giving a gift by PAYPAL from our website. To send a gift follow the instruction, as a part is written in swedish: Press buy products, buy now, Beskrivning: write Ukraine, Pris per objekt: the amount in USD you want to give, antal: 1, fortsätt and after login on PAYPAL or pay with credit card. Let us know if you need our help.
For our Swedish friends you can use SWISH: 1232015550 , mark with Ukraine
Thank you for prayers and support!
Many greetings from all of us at Sunflower Design